Dashen Bank Job Vacancy

Dashen Bank New Opening

Dashen Bank welcomes qualified candidates for Contact Center Specialist empty position.

Dashen Bank stands out as one of the most renowned financial powerhouses in the industry. It has garnered numerous awards for its operations and financial successes, while also gaining recognition for pioneering innovative technologies within the financial sector.

Position 1: Lawyer, Legitimate Exploration and Warning


Four year college education in Regulation.

Extra certificate in regulation, banking, finance or comparable fields is an additional benefit.


No less than Four (4) years pertinent experience.

Legitimate Exploration and Warning official is liable for protecting the Bank’s revenue by planning lawful briefs; delivering lawful exhortation, assessment on regulations, rules and guideline and agreements according to the supported strategies, systems and rules.

Work environment: Addis Ababa https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=beiahVyoYU60Iqj2TsjDW_OL8N5OFSdIgHlBIAmJ5sdUOUg0NjFUTjBIWkVEMTRNSVYyQkFJVDFSRy4u

Position 2: Lawyer, Suit

Scholarly and Proficient Capability

•         Four year certification in Regulation.

•         Extra confirmation in regulation, banking, finance or comparable fields is an additional benefit.


Somewhere around Four (4) years important experience.

Lawyer Suit is answerable for support in addressing the Bank before legal and semi legal courts, readiness and treatment of cases (arguing, safeguards and appeal).

Work environment: Addis Ababa https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=beiahVyoYU60Iqj2TsjDW_OL8N5OFSdIgHlBIAmJ5sdUNjhGTDhPR1cxNEFLR1hIM0VRSTEwQzdOUS4u

Position 3: Lawyer, Sheriah and Legitimate Exploration and Warning

Scholarly and Proficient Capability

•         Four year college education in Regulation.

•         Accreditations in revenue free banking is an additional benefit.

•         Extra affirmation in regulation, banking, finance or comparable fields is an additional benefit.


Somewhere around Four (4) years applicable experience.

Sheriah and Lawful Exploration and Warning Lawyer is liable for taking part in leading legitimate and Sheriah research, checking on different authoritative records for appropriate legitimate and Shariah phrasings, and partaking in assessing lawful issues for new IFB items and administrations sent off by the Bank. Likewise, the job holder is answerable for partaking in offering legitimate warning support for IFB wing of the Bank and taking part in planning cases (arguing, protections, and request) connected with IFB window administrations according to the rule that everyone must follow endorsed approaches, techniques, rules and SAC fatwas and Islamic monetary standards.

Work environment: Addis Ababa https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=beiahVyoYU60Iqj2TsjDW_OL8N5OFSdIgHlBIAmJ5sdUMTdKV1hGMDdRWlVRSDUyVDBRRkcyWkE1Sy4u

Position 4: Venture Consistence Official

Scholastic and Expert Capability

Four year certification in Regulation ideal, Hazard The executives, Financial matters, Bookkeeping, Money, or Banking.


Somewhere around Four (4) years important experience.

Endeavor Consistence Official, is liable for following up the Bank’s capabilities in full consistence with all financial regulations, guidelines, inward approaches and strategies; recognizing any exemptions or infringement and announcing same with suggestion to his/her managers; guaranteeing risk taking remaining parts to be inside the area of the specified administrative prerequisite according to the endorsed arrangements, methodology and rules

Work environment: Addis Ababa https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=beiahVyoYU60Iqj2TsjDW_OL8N5OFSdIgHlBIAmJ5sdUNVA5V1RDM1hQRkpQR01MRDBYMVlQNjZMTi4u

Position 5: Venture Consistence Trained professional

Scholastic and Expert Capability

  Four year college education in Regulation ideal, Hazard The board, Financial matters, Bookkeeping, Money, or Banking. Graduate degree in Business Organization, Bookkeeping, Money, Data Innovation, or related business field from a perceived establishment is an additional benefit.


  Least of six (6) years pertinent experience

Undertaking Consistence The board Expert is answerable for driving and planning the Bank’s activities in consistence with every relevant regulation, strategies, methodology, and NBE mandates. Also, the job holder is liable for distinguishing any infringement and revealing something similar with suggestions, and guaranteeing that the gamble stays inside the area of administrative necessities as per endorsed approaches, techniques, and rules.

Work environment: Addis Ababa https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=beiahVyoYU60Iqj2TsjDW_OL8N5OFSdIgHlBIAmJ5sdURElOWkhFWDFYQU5RMThKNDE0TlY2WjNRSC4u

Position 6: IT Engineering and Modernization Official

Scholastic and Expert Capability

Four year college education in Data Innovation, Software engineering, PC Data Framework, Computer programming or some other comparable field.


No less than Four (4) years important experience.

IT Engineering and Modernization Official is liable for partaking in figuring out extensive modernization essentials that envelop the two applications and frameworks, laying the basis for smooth interoperability, developing a hearty security design that shields delicate information and sticks to consistence principles and tending to difficulties originating from complicated frameworks and deficient correspondence that sabotage functional productivity. Furthermore, the job holder is likewise answerable for fixing obsolete foundation, including tackling the capability of arising advances.

Work environment: Addis Ababa https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=beiahVyoYU60Iqj2TsjDW_OL8N5OFSdIgHlBIAmJ5sdUNEFHN1E3WTEyQldOUENPTDVOSDVZREJMWi4u

Position 7: IT Engineering and Modernization Trained professional

Scholarly and Proficient Capability

Four year college education in Data Innovation, Software engineering, PC Data Framework, Programming or some other comparable field.


No less than Six (6) years significant experience.

IT Design and Modernization Expert is liable for forming extensive modernization necessities that incorporate the two applications and frameworks, laying the basis for smooth interoperability, developing a strong security engineering that shields delicate information and sticks to consistence guidelines and tending to difficulties originating from complicated frameworks and insufficient correspondence that subvert functional productivity. What’s more, the job holder is additionally liable for fixing obsolete framework, including outfitting the capability of arising innovations.

Work environment: Addis Ababa https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=beiahVyoYU60Iqj2TsjDW_OL8N5OFSdIgHlBIAmJ5sdUOEFGV1I0Uzc1RERNMUpOMFdIUDM5M0RQTC4u

Position 8: IT Undertaking Official

Scholastic and Expert Capability

Four year certification in Data Innovation, Software engineering, PC Data Framework, Computer programming or some other comparable field.


Something like Four (4) years pertinent experience.

IT Task Official is liable for offering help and help with arranging, execution, and conveyance of key IT projects in the Bank. This incorporates arranging and booking project courses of events and achievements utilizing suitable venture the executives apparatuses; dealing with the everyday exercises of activities in quest for their objectives, cost adequacy and concurred quality guidelines. Furthermore, the job holder is answerable for organizing key partners and venture colleagues, and characterize project achievement measures and difficulties according to the endorsed approaches, systems and rules.

Work environment: Addis Ababa https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=beiahVyoYU60Iqj2TsjDW_OL8N5OFSdIgHlBIAmJ5sdURFMzQ1Q5SVU1U0c3Q0pGUURLSVRNWUVXSC4u

Position 9: Director, Venture Consistence The board

Scholarly and Proficient Capability

Four year college education in Chance Administration, Financial aspects, Regulation, Bookkeeping, Money, or Banking

Graduate degree in Business Organization, Bookkeeping, Money, Regulation, or related business field from a perceived establishment is an additional benefit.

Proficient accreditation in Hazard The executives; Monetary Gamble The board (FRM), RCP Level 3, Sanctioned Chance Examiner (CRA) or Administration Chance and Consistence The executives (GRCM).


Least of Eight (8) years applicable experience out of which two (2) years at center or line the executives post.

Chief, Endeavor Consistence The executives is answerable for creating, carrying out and controlling all parts of the Bank’s administrative necessities and consistence the board program. Also, the job holder is answerable for guaranteeing that the Bank capabilities in full consistence with all financial regulations, guidelines, inward strategies and systems and guaranteeing that chance taking remaining parts inside the space of the specified administrative prerequisite according to the endorsed arrangements, methods and rules.

Work environment: Addis Ababa https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=beiahVyoYU60Iqj2TsjDW_OL8N5OFSdIgHlBIAmJ5sdUQ0dLNFdNSTlZSTRXUUZTTEwxVElMOVZBRS4u

Position 10: Chief, IT Undertaking

Scholarly and Proficient Capability

•          Four year college education in Data Innovation, Software engineering, PC Data Framework, Programming or some other identical field.

•         Proficient qualification(s) in Undertaking The board for example Project The board Proficient (PMP), Guaranteed Undertaking Chief (CPM), Sovereign 2 or identical is an additional benefit.


     Least of Eight (8) years applicable experience out of which two (2) years at center or line the board post.

Chief, IT Venture is answerable for arranging, execution, and conveyance of vital IT projects in the Bank.

Work environment: Addis Ababa https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=beiahVyoYU60Iqj2TsjDW_OL8N5OFSdIgHlBIAmJ5sdUQlA2T0daNUFCWlUxQjQwMFQzSTVOSzZZSy4u

Position 11: Head Lawyer, Legitimate Exploration and Warning I

Scholarly and Proficient Capability

Four year certification in Regulation.

Extra confirmation in regulation, banking, finance or comparable fields is an additional benefit.


  Somewhere around Six (6) years important experience

Head Lawyer Legitimate Exploration and Warning I is answerable for defending the Bank’s revenue by getting ready lawful briefs; delivering legitimate exhortation, assessment on regulations, rules, guideline and agreements according to the endorsed arrangements, strategies and rules.

Work environment: Addis Ababa https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=beiahVyoYU60Iqj2TsjDW_OL8N5OFSdIgHlBIAmJ5sdURDZQOTAxUlo1VTFZNVFPQjRWWjVHMUo4My4u

Position 12: Senior IT Task Official

Scholarly and Proficient Capability

Four year certification in Data Innovation, Comp

Apply https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=beiahVyoYU60Iqj2TsjDW_OL8N5OFSdIgHlBIAmJ5sdUMDNKS0E1WEo3VjRFME1BQjVSRlk0T1IzSy4u

Deadline: May 5, 2024

How to Apply:

Interested and qualified applicants should apply through the Above Microsoft Application form links, And follow the below guidelines.

Applicants should fill all the details on the vacancy application form in each jobs and make sure you submit after completing all the questions.

Finally, please scan all relevant credentials (Uploading relevant credentials that verifies educational qualification, work experience licenses, certifications …. etc which are stated on the application form /CV). and upload to ethiojobs vacancy application website.CV‘s shall not be more than 3 pages and saved in PDF format (mandatory).

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