Top 10 Skills Employers are Looking for in 2023

The world of work is changing rapidly, especially with the rise of remote and hybrid work models. To succeed in the job market of 2023, you need to have the skills that employers are looking for. These skills are not only technical, but also soft skills that demonstrate your ability to adapt, collaborate, create, and communicate effectively.

Here are the top 10 skills employers want to see on your resume in 2023

 1. Adaptability

Adaptability is a key soft skill that employers are looking for in 2023. Employers value employees who are able to adapt to changes in the workplace, such as new procedures, technologies, or roles. Adaptability also means being flexible and open to learning new things.

To showcase your adaptability on your resume, mention a moment in your work experience when you successfully adapted to a change.

E.g  Implemented company-wide roll-out of new collaboration software to keep teams active and engaged, leading to an 8% increase in productivity.

 2. Creativity

Creativity is another important soft skill that employers are looking for in 2023. Creativity means being able to come up with new and innovative ideas and solutions for various challenges and opportunities. A creative employee is more likely to be able to solve problems that arise with remote work, shifting markets, and emerging technologies.

To highlight your creativity on your resume, consider mentioning a project or initiative that you initiated or contributed to that had a positive impact.

E.g  Consistently proposed new ideas for social media campaigns that increased our following by over 2000%.

3. Collaboration

Collaboration is a vital skill for working effectively with others, both within and across teams. Collaboration involves sharing information, ideas, feedback, and resources to achieve common goals and objectives. Collaboration is especially important in remote and hybrid work environments, where communication and coordination can be more challenging.

To demonstrate your collaboration skills on your resume, include a bullet point under your work experience that shows how you worked with others to deliver results.

E.g  Collaborated with clients to consistently deliver high-quality promotional materials¹.

4. Self-motivation

Self-motivation is the ability to be proactive and take initiative while operating independently from others. Self-motivation is essential for remote and hybrid workers, who have less supervision and guidance from managers and colleagues. Self-motivated employees are more likely to be productive, efficient, and accountable for their work.

To show your self-motivation on your resume, use action verbs that indicate your drive and initiative, such as “led”, “initiated”, “implemented”, or “achieved”.

E.g Led a team of five developers to create a new mobile app that increased user engagement by 50%².

 5. Analytical thinking

Analytical thinking is the ability to collect, interpret, and present data using appropriate tools and methods. Analytical thinking is a core skill that employers are looking for in 2023, as it enables employees to make informed decisions based on evidence and logic. Analytical thinking is also crucial for working with AI and big data, which are expected to grow in importance by 2027.

To showcase your analytical thinking on your resume, mention a time when you used data to support your argument or recommendation.

E.g  Conducted market research and analysis to identify new opportunities for product development and expansion².

6. Programming

Programming is the ability to create, modify, and debug computer code using various languages, such as Python, Java, or C++. Programming is a technical skill that employers are looking for in 2023, as it enables employees to develop software applications, websites, games, or other digital products or services. Programming is also a valuable skill for working with AI and big data.

To highlight your programming skills on your resume, list the languages and frameworks that you are proficient in under your skills section.

E.g  Skills: Python, Django, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

7. Leadership

Leadership is the ability to inspire, influence, and guide others towards a common vision or goal. Leadership is a soft skill that employers are looking for in 2023, as it shows your potential to take on more responsibility and manage projects or teams effectively. Leadership is also important for remote and hybrid workers, who need to be able to communicate clearly and motivate others.

To demonstrate your leadership skills on your resume, mention a time when you took charge of a project or task and led it to completion or success.

E.g Managed a budget of $50K and supervised a team of 10 to organize a successful fundraising event that raised over $100K for charity.

8. Critical thinking

Critical thinking is the ability to evaluate information, arguments, and assumptions critically and objectively. Critical thinking is a soft skill that employers are looking for in 2023, as it enables employees to identify and solve problems, avoid biases and errors, and generate new perspectives and insights. Critical thinking is also essential for working with AI and big data, which require careful analysis and interpretation.

To show your critical thinking skills on your resume, mention a time when you challenged or improved an existing process, system, or idea.

E.g  Reviewed and improved the quality assurance process to reduce errors and increase customer satisfaction by 15%.

9. Time management

Time management is the ability to plan, prioritize, and execute tasks efficiently and effectively within a given timeframe. Time management is a soft skill that employers are looking for in 2023, as it shows your ability to meet deadlines, balance multiple demands, and work under pressure. Time management is especially important for remote and hybrid workers, who have more autonomy and flexibility over their schedules.

To illustrate your time management skills on your resume, mention a time when you completed a challenging or complex task within a tight deadline.

E.g  Delivered a comprehensive report on the impact of COVID-19 on the tourism industry within two weeks.

10. Communication

Communication is the ability to express oneself clearly and effectively in oral and written forms, as well as to listen and empathize with others. Communication is a fundamental skill that employers are looking for in 2023, as it is essential for building relationships, sharing information, giving and receiving feedback, and resolving conflicts. Communication is also vital for remote and hybrid workers, who rely more on digital tools and platforms to communicate.

To highlight your communication skills on your resume, mention a time when you communicated successfully with a diverse group of people or stakeholders.

E.g  Presented the quarterly sales report to senior management and key clients, using clear visuals and concise language.

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